Tuesday, October 24, 2006

São Paulo Zoo

We decided to visit the São Paulo Zoo last Sunday. For me it was the first time in the park but both Gabriela and Silvia had been there before. It is situated in the south of the city, south of the Ibirapuera park and close to the Banderiantes highway, on Miguel Stéfano Avenue. Parking is 10 Reais and adults pay 10 Reais in entrance fee while kids under six go in for free.

Gabriela investigating remnants from a large cat.

It is one of the ten largest zoo´s in the World so it took a while to see everything. Actually, in the end we decided not to see every single little animal but the monkeys, lions, white tigers, elephants, hippos, rhinos, giraffes, wolves and pinguins were a must.

What!? A Furby? Here?

I speak Swedish with Gabriela and Silvia Portuguese so we have to teach her two names for each animal, that gets a bit confusing after a while but in the long run it will be worth it. Gabriela wanted to hear how the animals sound but what does a giraffe sound like? After contemplating this a bit Gabriela decided it says "piip-piip-piip"...

Watching a rhino from safe distance.

One monkey tried to escape but Silvia caught it!


At Tue Oct 24, 10:56:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dett var fina djurbilder, skall denna kommentar lyckas lläggas in?!?!?

At Tue Oct 24, 10:58:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Den kom med automatiskt!


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