Monday, December 22, 2008

Pictures from Hanoi, Vietnam

My trip to Hanoi last week was... Intense. Definitely interesting and different! Fun! Adventurous!

It was my first trip there and although I have traveled to many different places on our globe I was not entirely prepared for the streets of Hanoi; it was an incredible show of mopeds and cars going in all directions at the same time. People consequently taking the shortest route why road line markings are utterly useless! As a driver you meet the traffic head-on all the time(!), it passes you on both sides 24/7. It is an organized chaos! Very intense. Especially for Westerners trying to cross a street walking...

The strange thing is that the locals are so calm though. I did not see one stressed out Vietnamese driver in a whole week. Incredible! And not one accident! That is even more remarkable, they all seem to follow the rule "The Fastest Vehicle Has The Right of Way!".

Somebody told this guy a good location is key for successful business; it can't become more downtown and central than this!

The flag of one of the last Communist strongholds in the world!

Me outside Ho Chi Minh's resting place. No mopeds allowed!

Strawberry sales girl taking a break

Same strawberry sales girl working hard after the much needed break!

This restaurant owner/chef's menu read "Food served cheap, fast and with plenty of e-coli at no extra charge"...

Very safe site solution. Not!

Its name was Potomac! Seriously!

Making a few bucks on the side

Another busy street vendor


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