Monday, December 21, 2009

Poker night

I invited the boys over for some dinner and poker. My plan was to feed them plenty of lasagne, wine and dessert to make them dozy and not alert so I could clean their wallets during the game.

My plan failed. Yes, they ate like hungry wolves and yes, they drank all the wine but they did not get tired one bit! In fact, they were very happy and energetic at the table. A lot of laughs. In the end, I made about break even so that was OK. Next time I will have to put some knockout pills in their drinks because winning fair and square againts these card sharks is not possible!

Their relaxed looks are deceiving, beware of these card sharks at any poker table!


At Mon Dec 28, 12:38:00 PM, Blogger Mr Harry Boy said...

The worst of them all is maybe Johan. You can notice on the photo that he seems relaxed, almost a non-caring attitude, viewing his phone for some mails perhaps. But in the calmest waters. This guy swept the floor with everybody in Austrias annual poker tournament in 2008, just to mention one poker trophy this poker shark has. Respect!

Dr Svensson

At Tue Jan 05, 09:50:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


oafj p $ up 99


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