Thursday, January 25, 2007

O padrino chegou!

O padrino de Gabriela, Bruno, nos visitou as ultima dias do Dezembro 2006. Brincabamos com a Gabriela e o primo Bruno, fizemos um churrasco e jogamos X-box para caramba.

Aqui algumas fotos da visita.

Na veranda, Silvia, Gabriela, Bruno e Bruninho.


Ganhou um vestido.

Tomando sol la encima.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Vacation pics from Angra dos Reis

We stayed a few days in Angra dos Reis at Silvia´s friend Gabriela´s house during the vacations before we returned to the normal life of office meetings, business trips and Monthly Business Reports to HQ. Angra is very niiiice...

A great place to relax at.

Life is so much better when you are leaving the harbour standing on a Runner 410 speed boat.

40 knots and increasing, baby!

Gabriela struggling with a candy bar in Paraty.

Eating in Paraty.

Bruno jumping in the pool´s waterfall at Hotel Frade in Angra dos Reis.

Relalalaxing in the pool

Vacation pics from Guarujá

It was hard work to eat and digest all the Christmas food so we felt we needed a vacation! Said and done, we spent New years Eve with friends in Guarujá at the coast one hour away from São Paulo. Very nice...

New year´s Eve at the Enseada Beach in Guarujá. From left to right are Ingemar, Gabriela, Silvia, Bruno, Danilo, Bruna, Paulette, Enzo, Ana Paula, Vitor and Mauricio.

The fire works were amazing. It went on for 40 minutes all along the 4 km beach!

At the Filipini summer house.

Two crazy cousins.

Walking along the Enseada beach.

  • Ingemar Svensson TRAVELMAP :