Vardagsmat, a blog in four languages; Svenska, English, Español & Português.
Vardagsmat för mig, en svensk som arbetar över hela världen är Picanha, Ceviche mixto, Roti, Moqueqa de camarrao, Döner Kebab, Sancocho, Foh noodles, Texas Bad Boy Hamburger med cole slaw och tvåliters coca-cola, Grillat lamm med kummin, Conch fritters, Hummus, Fajitas, Jerk chicken med rice´n peas, Jamón Serrano, Higado encebollado, Meze, Churrasco med Chimichurri, Rat Feet, Feijoada, emparedados av alla de slag, Mofongo någongång emellanåt samt Wasa knäckebröd...
Monday, October 22, 2007
Under senaste besöket i den svenska hufvudstaden besökte jag Designtorget och köpte med mig ett jätteblåsbubble-kit bestående av något slags såpapulver samt tre plaststavar med olika figurer längst ut på (svan, groda samt trollslända).
I lördags var vi nere vid poolen och då passade det sig bra att leka med jättebubblor tyckte jag. Sagt och gjort, jag hällde ner jättebubblepulver i en liter varmt vatten och lät det stå i en kvart, sedan var det bara att doppa plastfigurerna i den grumsiga vätskan och svänga i luften och -SHAZAMM- så hade man jättebubblor! Gabriela och jag fick "bubbla" själva i ungefär tre nanosekunder innan vi omringades av smågrabbar som ville prova att göra bubblor.
Jag tror jag upptäckt en rolig hobby! Fast nu har jag inget jättebubblepulver kvar... Ack å elände!
Monday, October 15, 2007
In Amsterdam
Going back to São Paulo from Sweden I got stuck in Amsterdam. At Arlanda Airport there was some electrical issue and not a single check-in desk was open in Terminal 5 for several hours. This caused a delay and at Schipol I missed my connection and no other flights were available so KLM gave me a hotel voucher and said "Sorry, come back tomorrow!".
At first I became angry but then I realized I was actually stuck there so I made the best of it! The weather was great and I met a colleague so we decided to go out on the town together as one-day tourists.
Amsterdam is crazy. The traffic is dense and not only with cars, no, you have pedestrians, cars, bicycles, mopeds, tuc-tucs (i.e taxis from Thailand?!) and trams sharing the same transiting space. With all the bikes in this town it is the strongest contender for the title "Beijing of Europe". I wonder what the accident statistics look like, I saw a number of close calls during the few hours I visited the place.
Prostitution is legal here. The red light district is in the city center and impossible to miss. The hookers sit in their window displays offering their goods to clients that pass outside together with big eyed tourists with cameras, mothers pushing baby strollers, workers going home, old people with grocery bags etc. Incredible.
Most people have heard about the Amsterdam coffee shops. To me it was still a shock to sense the sweet smell of marijuana out in the streets! The coffee shops are abundant and almost all souvernir shops sell items with mariuana leafs on them. Since I had to stay the night and did not have any clean underwear I decided to by a pair of white boxer shorts with green leafs stamped on them. "When in Rome...".
Another argument why Amsterdam is crazy; the house fasads are not straight! The different houses are actually leaning away from or against each other as if the architects had been creating blue prints in coffee shops! Amazing.
The final conclusion is that I like Amsterdam a lot. People are friendly, the food is great and it is great fun to view the spectacle that evolves in front of you while sitting down with some Pommes Frites with mayonaisse and a Heineken at hand.
In Stockholm
The autumn has arrived to Stockholm. The week of October 6-13 began with clear skies and sunshine. It was quite warm in the sun actually. And beautiful! The leafs on the trees for example offered colour variations from deepest green to yellow to dark brown. And then we had some rain and almost-zero-degree temperatures at the end of the week.
It was of course great to see friends and family again, as always time flies so I did not have time to meet with everyone I wanted to. The agenda was fully booked and I came back to the hotel to sleep around 1:00 AM every night...
Friday, October 12, 2007
En Argentina
Estuve en Buenos Aires de trabajo 1-3 de Octubre. Hacía bastante frío debido a lluvias fuertes y vientos del sur. El frío siempre me causa hambre así que fui a Las Nazarenas para comer un buen Bife de Quadril con papa al vapor. Quilmes en el vaso. La carne en este restaurante es sumamente delicioso, he ido antes y el nivel contínua alto! Después de haber cenado estaba con tanto sueño que fui a dormir a las 8:00 PM...
Me quedé en el hotel Plaza Roma cerca de Lunar Park, es un hotel de "bajo presupuesto". El control remoto estaba pegado a la pared con cadena, el televisor era de los 70 y los paredes con tapete rojo (también de los 70) pero era limpio y tranquilo por lo menos. Tuve que quedarme ahí porque como había una conferencia de dermatologistas (!?) casi todos los hoteles en Buenos Aires estaban agotados.
Con los colegas fui a cenar en Siga la Vaca, una parrillada argentina. Superbuena! Es como un churrascaria brasileña pero con otros cortes y carnes mas "rústicas", o sea, pedazos grandes con los huesos no quitados, intestinos, una gran variedad de salsichas etc. Rico.
Cha bebe Eric
O Sábado Setembro 29 tivemos o Cha Bebe para o nosso filho Eric que vai nascer cedo, cedo! Uma grande festa com amigos.